Tweha > Tweha Copyright

Tweha Copyright

TWEHA products are developed by TcB and are registered trademarks of TcB.

The “TWEHA” name, the “TWEHA logo”, and related brands are property of TcB.

You may not use the logo or the logo’s custom typeface without written permission of TcB.

You may use the word “TWEHA” in a product name only as a descriptor, such as “for TWEHA” and the first instance should be followed by a TM symbol, “for TWEHA™.” In other messaging, the word “TWEHA” may be used in text as a descriptor, as long as it is followed by a proper generic term (for example, “TWEHA™ application”). Any use of the TWEHA name must include footer attribution in your communications: “TWEHA is a trademark of TcB.”

The TWEHA logos can be used, reproduced, and modified freely in marketing communications.

Our standard color value for printing are
Orange #F7971C or PMS 130 U
Grey #9C9EA1 or PMS 7539 U
Blue #000035 or PMS 539 U

The TWEHA logo is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license and any use of it must be attributed as such.
